AI-Powered Google Keyword Research Tool

All Google Keyword Data In One Place

  • Google Autocomplete

    Google Autocomplete

  • Google Adwords

    Google Adwords

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    Google Trends

  • Google People Also Ask

    Google People Also Ask

Google Keyword Research Automation (To The Max) - Powered By AI 🤖

Keyword Stats

- Get insights such as search volume to understand keyword popularity.

- Analyze competition to gauge the difficulty of ranking for a keyword.

- View average CPC to estimate advertising costs.

- Examine trends data to track keyword performance over time.

Keyword Stats

Research Multiple Seed Keywords At The Same Time

- Input up to 10 seed keywords to streamline your research process.

- Efficiently analyze multiple keywords in one go, saving time and effort.

Research Multiple Seed Keywords At The Same Time

Aware of Your Domain Rankings

- Easily identify if your domain ranks within the top 100 results for any keyword.

- Monitor your current SEO performance and adjust strategies accordingly.

Aware of Your Domain Rankings

AI-Powered Keyword Grouping

- Automatically group related keywords to organize your content strategy.

- Save significant time by utilizing AI to handle complex keyword clustering.

AI-Powered Keyword Grouping

AI-Powered Filtering

- Filter keyword data using intuitive natural language queries.

- Simplify your analysis with custom filters that match specific criteria or topics.

AI-Powered Filtering

Pricing Plans (Monthly)



Premium Searches: 0

Data Sources: 1

Keyword Stats:

Multiple Seed Keywords:

Domain Ranking Aware:

Keyword Grouping:



Premium Searches: 500

Data Sources: 4

Keyword Stats:

Multiple Seed Keywords:

Domain Ranking Aware:

Keyword Grouping:



Premium Searches: 1500

Data Sources: 4

Keyword Stats:

Multiple Seed Keywords:

Domain Ranking Aware:

Keyword Grouping:


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